Thursday, August 25, 2011

I screwed up today!

so i went 3 days on nothing but water and that was great i was so proud of myself, then i started feeling kind of week as we usually do when we deprieve ourself of food then i made a huge mistake...I accepted a lunch invite and had a sandwhich today ..i was starving so I kind of actually finished the whole thing!!! bread and everything!...I have more energy buut i feel terrible i didnt want to go throw up because im not in favor of mia so instead i choose to just forget about it and fast for 5 days then have about 300 calories then go another 2 days then do the ABC .....oh wish me luck please!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Im back !

After several years of "recovery" i've gained some serious weight... all doctors say is that once u gain return to "normal" weight u will feel better ...bull$*#!!! i feel horrible! So I have decided to again return to my ana lifestyle, i want to clear up that I only want to return to Ana not Mia! I used to have a combination of both and Mia just messed up my teeth and made me feel very I eventually trained myself to be solely Ana.  Although im not going to lie from time to time when i feel i have eaten too much i have and do induce it out of my body. All I want is to be happy again im 21yrs old and its time to be beautiful.. im too young to waste my life being something i dont want to be ...I want to be thiiiiiiiin!!! I want to loose between 20 and 30 lbs is my 3rd day on a fast I want to go for 7 then start the ABC diet... wish me luck!!!!

PS: if anyone out there wants to be my ana buddy email me to
....its mia because thats my first name.. im not promia LOL
have a great day everyone!!